CSTHSETA has changed.

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Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Sector Education and Training Authority

Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Sector Education and Training Authority

The new CsthSETA Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Sector Training Authority (SETA) planned for 2011 will be an amalgamation of the Arts and Crafts sub-sector taken from the existing MAPPP SETA, strengthened with a focus on sport and tourism. It will also encompass the role currently played by the existing Tourism and Hospitality Sector Education and Training Authority (THETA).

This SETA will form an important role in the new SETA landscape planned by the South African Government and announced at the end of 2009.

The Government in South Africa hopes that the realm of education and training will be transformed by the new initiatives that relate to the SETAs (and the new SETA landscape) which promote education and learning for all.

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How MAPPP fits into the new Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality SETA

The Media, Advertising, Publishing, Printing and Packaging (MAPPP) SETA is one of several sector education and training authorities that has been radically reorganised and split.

When the whole SETA system was initiated in South Africa in 1998, and then launched in 2000, the MAPPP SETA was set up to support and facilitate education and training in the fields of various media, namely:

  • advertising,
  • visual arts,
  • film and electronic media,
  • cultural heritage, and
  • publishing in general.

It was also expected to tackle the printing and packaging sectors which have more to do with technology and manufacture than creativity and production.

Like all the other SETAs founded on the Skills Development Act and Skills Development Levies Act between 1998 and 2000, the MAPPP SETA was expected to raise the levels of skills in this particular sector – as it was defined at that time. This involved helping to deliver quality, accredited education and training, in all its various forms, from college courses and even online courses which were internet based, to the most basic short course you might imagine.

The general idea was to make this sector a lot more competitive within South Africa, and also sustainable in the global market.

In the new SETA landscape, only the arts and crafts sub-sectors of the old MAPPP SETA are included in the newly devised Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality authority scheme.

How THETA fits into the new Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality SETA

The original Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education and Training Authority was also a SETA with a fairly wide spread. The new SETA focuses more heavily on sport and tourism specifically, but continues to promote hospitality and general training.

The new configuration will enable the CsthSETA Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality SETA to focus on these vital areas that are at the pinnacle for South Africa.

Following the old THETA commitment, it is clear that all training will be subject to high quality controls and generally aimed at the very best international standards. To this end, it is hoped that the new SETA will promote every relevant short course, management course (as it relates to the newly defined sector) as well as the most relevant college courses whether they are offered at colleges that students attend, or online courses which students access via the internet.  It is also hoped that the new SETA will be in a position to access discretionary grants and assist students to get bursaries, apprenticeships and generally get access to pre-professional workplace experience.

Where to find the new CsthSETA Culture, Sport, Tourism and Hospitality SETA

This is a totally new SETA and so there are currently no contact details. However they will become an amalgamation of sub-sectors of the old MAPPP SETA and parts of the THETA SETA. These are contact current details for MAPPP and THETA.

Where to find the current CsthSETA

Currently MAPPP is based in both the Western Cape, in Cape Town (Tygervalley) and in Gauteng, in Johannesburg (Midrand):Telephone:  (021) 910 3001/ (011) 234 2311 – Fax:  (021) 910 3080/ (011) 234 2350Email:  sekgana@mappp-seta.co.za – Website:  http://www.mappp- seta.co.za

Currently THETA is based in Gauteng, in Rivonia, northern Johannesburg:Telephone:  (011) 803-6010 – Fax:  (011) 803-6702Email:  theta@theta.org.za – Website:  http://www.theta.org.za

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