Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority

The Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) was set up in 2000, two years after the Skills Development Act was promulgated by the South African Parliament.

When the SETA landscape changes in South Africa, which it is set to do from 2011 for a period of at least four years, there will be minor changes to this SETA. Other SETAs will not be changed at all, while some will be completely restructured, and there will be new ones introduced.

What will change in terms of the LGSETA is that the water distribution sector they were responsible for from 2000, will now transfer to the Energy SETA. So this shift really is minor.

The national skills development strategy followed by the LGSETA

In their endeavour to ensure that they review information, sharing and learning in terms of the sectoral and policy objectives of the Government’s 2000-ongoing SETA plan, the LGSETA undertook (in 2000) to focus on these specific areas:

  • financial viability,
  • community-based participation and planning,
  • leadership and management, and
  • adult based education and training (ABET) which is undoubtedly the fundamental area of priority.

As the LGSETA has publicly stated, ABET is what defines employees’ abilities to access the range of opportunities that further education and training (FET) offer.

ABET also enables adults to follow career paths at a later stage in life, using opportunities that were not open to them previously.

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For example, even though they are older, motivated adults might decide to do a short course to improve their knowledge, or if they want to move into a management position, they might opt for a management course. Some go for online courses and others decide to literally “go back to school” and register for a variety of college courses that will further their ability to get a good job with a decent income.

Plans for sector skills

All the SETAs within the framework are expected to define and implement their own specific plans to ensure that people already working, or wanting to work within the sector have opportunities and advantages.

All the SETAs, including the LGSETA (which of course relates to all South Africa’s provinces) are expected to:

  • initiate learnerships,
  • approve workplace skills plans that potential employers produce,
  • provide funds for employers, trainers and workers, and
  • observe and scrutinize education and training in their particular sector.

The bottom line is that each SETA is responsible for the success or failure of education and training within that sector.

They are not expected to provide the education or training, but they are expected to provide models, monitor and ensure that the models work.

Grants and bursaries

When it comes to funding, the various SETAs are expected to get their money from:

  • skills development levies that employers are obliged to pay,
  • the National Skills Fund,
  • grants and donations,
  • investments that the SETA has made, and
  • any services that they, as a SETA, may perform and charge for.

The LGSETA has differentiated between municipalities and local governments, since there are huge disparities in terms of financial capacity.

To this end, the LGSETA has stated publicly that it will use discretionary grants to support the smaller, less viable municipalities that are scattered throughout South Africa.

In this way they hope to help them build their full capacity.

The LGSETA has stated on its website that an amount of R150-million will be spent within the strategic areas that have been adopted by them, as a SETA. It is not clear over what period of time this money will (or has been) spent.

Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority

Where to find the Local Government SETA

The Local Government SETA is based in Bedfordview in Johannesburg, Gauteng.Telephone:  (011) 456-8579/456-8562 – Fax:  (011) 450-4948Email:  sidwellm@lgseta.co.za – Website:  http://www.lgseta.co.za

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Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority LGSETA 14/LGSETA/1/04/20

The valid Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes must be used for Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) purposes. The latest SIC Coding system can be found Here or at Statistic SA www.statssa.gov.za. The Code for LGseta is 14.

30101 Production, processing and preservation of meat products by local governments.
41110 Production, collection and distribution of electricity.
41117 Generation of electric energy by local government.
50223 Construction of pylons for electric transmission lines by local government
50493 Any utility or agency, wholly or partially owned by a municipality providing local government services under contractors of municipality.
62520 Retail trade via stalls and markets.
71213 Urban, suburban and inter -urban bus and coach passenger lines, operated by local government
71220 Other non -scheduled passenger land transport.
74132 Salvaging of distressed vessels and cargoes
74133 Maintenance and operation of harbour works, lighthouses, etc., pilotage
74134 Operation of airports, flying fields and air navigation facilities.
88217 Roads.
88218 Municipal public works functions (specifically assigned)
88219 Municipal fencing and fences.
8821A Municipal roads.
8821B Street lighting.
88930 Building and industrial plant cleaning activities.
91200 Regional services council activities.
91201 All functions, services and facilities provided by a metropolitan council as determined by 84(1); (2) and (3) of the Act 117 of 1998 – local government municipal structure act of 1998
91202 Category B municipalities: All functions, services and facilities provided by local council as determined by 84(1), (2) and (30 of Act 117 of 98.
91203 Category C municipalities: All functions, services and facilities provided by local council as determined by 84(1), (2) and (30 of Act 117 of 98.
91204 Organised local government – any statutory or regulatory body assigned the function as per constitution of RSA, to deal with the matters at the executive level within local government.
91300 Local government authority activities.
91303 Air pollution.
91304 Municipal planning.
91305 Trading regulations
91306 Billboards and the display of advertisements in public places.
91307 Control of public nuisances.
91308 Control of undertakings that sell liquor to the public.
91309 Licensing of dogs
9130A Licensing and control of undertakings that sell food to the public.
9130B Noise pollution.
9130C Street trading.
9130F Land use planning.
9200B Pre -primary education and activities of after school centres by local authorities.
93304 Social work in local governments
94001 Refuse and sanitation
94002 Health and community services.
94005 Other community work in local governments.
96001 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities by local governments.
96191 Beaches and amusement facilities and fairs
96192 Pounds.
96193 Public places.
96313 Provision and operation of libraries of all kinds by local governmentsEnter your text here…
96321 Museum activities and preservation of historical sites and buildings by local governments.
96331 Parks and gardens.
96332 Zoos.
96414 Local sports facilities.
96493 Municipal parks
99001 Building regulations.
99031 Cemeteries
99032 Facilities for the accommodation, care and burial of animals