The Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority. MictSETA

The Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority, known as the MictSETAMICT SETA, was established in terms of the skills development act of 1998 and is responsible for skills development in the Advertising, Electronic Media and Film, Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications sectors and their sub sectors.

The MICT sector comprises of 160 Large companies, 342 Medium companies and 2,785 Small levy-paying companies. The number of employees in the MictSETA Sector in 2011 was estimated at 182,433. Large companies employ 109,972, Medium companies employ 28,977 and small companies employ 43,484.

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Our Sector Skills Plan (SSP) document indicates that by March 2014, there will be demand for some 6 281 potential vacancies in the MictSETA sector. The SSP document further indicates that the Advertising Sub sector sees the route of continuing professional development (conferences, seminars, short courses) over and above the alternative options as the means to acquiring personnel with the required skills.The Electronic Media and Film, Electronics and Information Technology Sub sectors MictSETA indicate that the personnel they will require will need to have degrees, diplomas or certificates to be of the required standard for their businesses.

The Telecommunications Subsector on the other hand sees that the personnel they will require will need technical programmes and qualifications. Overall across the MictSETA Sector, the sector anticipates employment growing by some 3.4% over the next 3 years if these skills become available.

This is equivalent to a compound annual growth rate of 1.1% per year, with the Information Technology Sub sector being anticipated to be the fastest growing subsector, with a compound annual growth rate for employment of 1.5% per year.

The MictSETA intends to engage in learning programmes that lead to employment and new venture creation, whilst at the same time engaging in programmes that assist in bridging the digital divide especially in rural areas.

Where to find the current MICT SETA

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Media Information and Communication Technologies SETA – MICTSETA 12/MICTSETA/1/04/20

The valid Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes must be used for Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) purposes. The latest SIC Coding system can be found Here or at Statistic SA www.statssa.gov.za. The Code for Mictseta is 12.

35791 Manufacture of alarm systems.
75200 Telecommunication.
75201 Wired telecommunications carriers.
75202 Television and radio signal distribution
75203 Cable networks and programme distribution.
75204 Telephone.
75205 Wired telecommunications carriers except satellite radio telephone.
75209 Television broadcasting.
75211 Telecommunications and wired telecommunication carriers.
75212 Paging.
75213 Cellular and other wireless telecommunications.
75214 Satellite telecommunications.
75215 Other telecommunications.
75216 Security systems services except locksmiths
75217 Office automation, office machinery and equipment rental leasing including installation and maintenance.
86001 Software publishers.
86002  Computer systems design and related services.
86003 Computer facilities management services.
86004 Electronic and precision equipment / computer repairs and maintenance.
86005 Computer rental and leasing.
86006 Computer programming services.
86007 Other computer related activities.
86008 Call centre and customer relationship management systems development and installations activities.
86009 Computer system design services and integrated solutions.
86010 Consumer electronics repair and maintenance.
86011 Computer and office machine repair, maintenance and support services.
86012 Communication equipment repair and maintenance.
86013 Other electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance.
86014 Repair and maintenance of electronic marine equipment.
87142 Research and development of electronic equipment and systems.
87143 Information technology import and product integration of pre-manufactured electronics IT and telecommunications equipment.
87146 Research and Development in the Physical And Engineering Sciences
87147 Electronics Importation And Product Integration Of Pre -Manufactured Electronics It And Telecommunications Equipment
87148 Telecommunications Importation And Product Integration OfPre -Manufactured Electronics It And TelecommunicationsEquipment
88310 Advertising.
88313 88311 Activities of advertising agents.
88313 Commercial design.
88940 Photographic activities.
96110 Motion picture and video production and distribution.
96112 Related activities – film and tape renting to other industries, booking, delivery and storage.
96113 Film and video reproduction
96131 Providing Radio And Television Transmission Signals
96133 96132 Production and broadcast of radio and television broadcast content.
96133 Installation, maintenance and repair of tracking devices for cars
96200 News agency activities.