Sector Education & Training Authority List. SETA is not affiliated in any way with any SETA’s or the South African Government. is a public information website, bringing together a list of all the SETA‘s in South Africa.

We do our best to keep all the information upto date and relevant.
The content of does not constitute legal advice, nor does it necessarily reflect the views of owner or their associates, contributors, authors or suppliers.
Even though every endeavor has been made as to the accuracy of the information, we cannot be held responsible for any errors and/or omissions

SETA’s in South Africa Sector Education & Training Authority.

MerSETA – Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority

SasSETA – Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority

Lg-SETA – Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority

CETA – Construction Education and Training Authority

FassetSETA – Financial, Accounting, Management, Consulting and other Financial Services Sector Education and Training Authority

AgriSETA – Agricultural Sector Education Training Authority

ServiceSETA – Services Sector Education and Training Authority

W&RSETA – Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority

ESETA – Energy Sector Education and Training Authority

EtdpSETA – Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority

MqaSETA – Mining and Minerals Sector Education and Training Authority

InSETA – Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority

ChietaSETA – Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority

 SasSETA – Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority

TetaSETA – Transport Education and Training Authority

BankSETA – Banking Sector Education and Training Authority

HSETA – Health Sector Education and Training Authority

SETA Index

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